Inoculation – just do it!

Etter utallige forespørsler, i hvertfall to tenkte jeg det var på tide å ta utfordringen – skrive et innlegg på engelsk!

For som dere sikkert vet er nåla i veggen verdt betraktelig mere enn google translate når det kommer til oversetting av lengre setninger, ord og utrykk osv!

As I said in the beginning; after a lot of requests… well that’s a lie! After two requests I finally accepted the challenge and will write this entire post in english.
I’ve allways considered myself fluently when it comes to english orally, but my grammar… and spelling… 🤔
But it is the thought that counts, right?!

Let’s move on to the actual topic of the day: inoculation… or vaccines, which I hope is more interesting than my knowledge of the english language!
More spesific… inoculation of children!

I came across an article today written by (or at least about) a doctor that rejects children that by their parents choice haven’t gotten the recomended vaccines.
You can read it here (in norwegian)!

I, of course being pro-vaccines, applaud this stance in order to push parents towards inoculating their kids. On the other hand it is scary to see that it has to come to the point where we have to use children as pawns to get rid of adult stupidity – because that’s what it is, STUPIDITY!
Not only do they gamble with their own childrens health (in worst case life), but they also make the choice to endanger other, "innocent" children!

One argument that seems to go in loop is this one; doctors and other healthcare-professionals are working together with the pharmaceutical companies, and they are all just after our money 🤔 I call bullshit on this one!

One of the phrases in the hippocratic oath states: "I will use my abilities for my patients best in correlation with my skills and judgement, and never do any harm" (translated from norwegian with my best effort).
Does this seem like someone who’s only in it for the money?
If autism is such a common side-effect of some vaccines I’m betting my right arm that most doctors would recomend against it!

I would also place a fair bet that some of this ignorant parents due to selfinflicted headace because of one glass to many at the christmas-party, without hesitation pops a painkiller the next day.
Fuck!! What delightful example of hypocrisie!

Thats a picture showing the possible side-effects of a simple painkiller – paracetamol!
It includes skin-problems and liverfailure to name a few.
They are also distributed in strenght for children, and I’m guessing even parents against vaccines have popped one in their kids when their running a fever.
So don’t come dragging with the side-effect argument!

As the picture over states – all pharmaceutical drugs have side-effects. Side-effects that are considered rare occur in one out of somewhere between 1000 and 10000 – you can call that a calculated risk.
If you take measles, a highly contagious infection – it spreads like the wind!
Due to the vaccinationprogram in Norway it was rarely heard of, but some of you fuckers chose (and still chooses) for all of us to bring it back!
So if you want to use this bullshit argument I will throw it right back in your face and say that the side-effects of not getting the vaccine is more severe, and probably more common than one in 5000 (the middleway, and just my guess)!

We’re expecting our first child in february, and he will of course, get all his shots!
But sadly, at some point he will (probably) have to interact with kids who have mindnumbingly stupid parents!
And if my kid gets a disease that was "extinct" but has been brought back by you (like measles), remember this; you can run (far), but you can’t fucking hide!

So when it comes to inoculation, be like Nike and JUST DO IT!

#inoculation #vaccines #measles #stupidity #kids #children #autism #doctors #nike #justdoit #challengecompleted

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